If you’ve been reading my blog for any time you have probably picked up that I like to tackle hard jobs. I like challenges, I like to be pushed both physically and creatively. As my time allows I will take on projects that work these muscles.

 I decided to take on a project for a client that seemed very interesting. The customer worked to get bids from several local resources based on the design that they sketched. Due to the unique design and several elements incorporated the prices were very high or not bid at all. This was a frustration point for sure. I looked at the features and the drawings and thought… well how hard could it be….?

Spoiler alert …… I was in for a surprise…..


The fence itself wasn’t too difficult as it pertained to the wooden elements. The cedar posts and pickets were pretty straight forward. The first challenge revolved around the focal point of the fence, adding Corten steel to the top panels of each section.

Now laying out the fence linear footage is simple, spacing is simple, corners and gates are simple. But the moment you fabricate steel panels to a specific dimension, things can get tricky. Not only was there minimal room for error with each post being set within (+ or -) a millimeter the panels are flexing, they’re heavy and "can be" sharp to work with.

If that doesn’t get the anxiety going, there were gas & data lines, sprinklers, and massive roots from the 30+ year old maple to contend with in the ground.

……..I am now starting to see why this job lost its appeal to others……

The customer also wanted some privacy panels sprinkled into their landscape. These decorative privacy panels consisted of cedar posts with 4x8 sheet steel mounted between them. This sheet steel had a graphic laser cut out of it (hence the decorative panel). You will see photos below.

Net net, I took away a ton of learnings from this project.

The environment is beautiful, mature and the fence will patina nicely to fit in as a anchor element in their landscape.


Bonsai Mirai - American Bonsai
