Bonsai Mirai - American Bonsai

So this spring a few of us bonsai nuts from the Boise area decided to cruise over to see some other fellow bonsai nuts in Kennewick. We caught up with each other in Portland and then shot over to Mirai in St. Helens.

The drive was smooth and the weather was beautiful. Sunny and warm with a mild breeze, minimal clouds, what more could you ask for….?

 Like a child on Christmas morning we arrived at Mirai.

 Impressive, high-powered, eloquent, dramatic, commanding, striking, intense, and overwhelming are just a few words I would use to describe the feelings that overcame me.

  Let's hit ---=== PAUSE ===--- for just a moment so I can break down a few things and help explain the situation here….

 For the past five years my wife and I have been building the 5 acre facility of High Desert Bonsai so we REALLY understand the gravity of this work. The dedication to tree care, procurement, health, working the land and the education is no simple task, coupled with the normal routines of watering, daily care, abnormal weather and the trials of managing bonsai in general… not easy…. AND as if that isn't enough, we both have full-time jobs, a family with two adult children we really enjoy spending time with…. IT's a TON to tackle.

 OK… ok… ---=== UNPAUSE ===---

 We arrived at Mirai…. INCREDIBLE…. I have been following Mirai since it started and seeing the transformation that the garden is undertaking is beyond words. Ryan and his team are so creative in their presentation of trees, display quality, and miniature "experiences" as you make your way through the garden. These techniques are executed masterfully. The pictures will never do the garden nor the trees the slightest percentage of justice they deserve.

 As we wandered through the garden taking in the trees and the beauty Ryan spent his time watering and dropping tidbits of knowledge on us as we passed. It was refreshing seeing him watering and spending time with his trees. During multiple, Mirai podcasts, he explains his desire to reconnect with the garden, reattach himself to the trees, and get back to the "bonsai" work he missed. He was in the zone and doing just that!

 The new Mirai platform has afforded him this reconnection, the time and the ability for him to focus on his family, life adventures and most importantly his son. All of which are commendable and not easy things to manage individually, let alone stacked on one another. Juggling the scope of work he tackles is impressive.

 As we walked around consumed by the reverence Mirai holds, in my mind, I looked over at my wife and she was in tears.  It was so humbling to see her crying as she too was overtaken by the emotions the garden evokes. Quick little side note here…. my wife has a couple of trees she cares for. She will never tout herself as a bonsai artist (but she is quite good). She knows how powerful this place is… I just thought I would be the one to cry during this visit.

 After so many years of live streams, podcasts, and "virtual" connections, it was a milestone getting to set foot in the garden, touch the trees, see the operation, and have access to the center of my bonsai consumption at the professional level.

This visit has reinvigorated me. I have and will use this experience to improve my garden, my teaching and overall appreciation for the craft. One last thought about this visit that puts things into perspective (at least for me), our time here is short, life is short, do the things you love with the people that you love to do them with. Create memories, experiences and LIVE YOUR LIFE!

We are not promised tomorrow.

Thank you Ryan for the tour, the time, your continued education and partnership in bonsai. I appreciate you!


Jon & Delanie White


High Desert Bonsai
